Gel Packs For Shipping Vaccines

Cold Chain Shipping for Vaccines

Pelton Shepherd is a trusted resource in the dynamic field of providing vaccine shipping solutions for temperature control. Developed to facilitate the unique demands of vaccine handling, our range of gel packs for shipping pharmaceuticals provides top-tier temperature control solutions. 

Glacier Ice - Gel Refrigerant Ice Packs

Compliance and Efficacy as Key Variables in Vaccine Shipping

The CDC requires refrigerated vaccines to be kept between 36 and 46 degrees Fahrenheit (2 to 8 degrees Celsius). Live vaccines, such as those for chickenpox and shingles, must be stored frozen and are considered extremely temperature-sensitive. Specific product protocols must be followed to ensure strict compliance. Best pharma shipping practices provide clear guidelines and regulations regarding the packaging requirements and optimal temperatures. 


Maintaining full compliance requires careful monitoring and attention to detail during each part of the cold chain shipping process. While avoiding temperature rises is often top of mind when shipping vaccines, cold-weather shipping brings its own challenges. With planning and state-of-the-art modern packaging solutions from Pelton Shepherd, successful vaccine shipping becomes a reliable process. 

Shipping Vaccines With Gel Packs

The inclusion of refrigerants in containers containing vaccines is standard to ensure uniform cooling and prevent temperature excursions. Pelton Shepherd gel packs for shipping pharmaceuticals go beyond conventional methods. to deliver reliable, cost-effective solutions. Our innovative range of gel packs includes products created to facilitate the regulations of specific pharma products, such as vaccines, and provide consistent, stable temperature control. 

Shipping frozen vaccines with gel packs is possible when close attention is given to each aspect of the packaging and shipping process. Enhance gel pack efficacy by using quality insulated packaging and fillers, which provide additional thermal barriers so vaccines stay within tight thermal ranges. 

Our range of reusable cold packs suitable for cold chain shipping of vaccines include: 

  • Glacier Temp: Incorporating Glacier Ice™, EcoGel™, Glacier Moisture Guard and Glacier Foam Bricks, Pelton Shepherd Glacier Temp cold chain solutions include cost-effective shipping options that can be tailored to meet the requirements of specific products. Glacier Ice™ gel packs, which have a long record in the pharmaceutical industry, are now supported with designs featuring attributes such as puncture-resistant material and moisture-wicking properties. 
  • TerraTemp: Delivering reliable temperature control solutions, Pelton Shepherd TerraTemp gel packs combine user-friendly design with eco-friendly practices. Terra Ice™ and Vortec Ice™ gel packs offer modern, accurate options for ensuring the cold chain when shipping vaccines. 
a picture of two glacier ice gel packs in a pharmaceuticals delivery box

Trusted When Cold Matters

 Incorporating Glacier Ice™, EcoGel™, Glacier Moisture Guard and Glacier Foam Bricks, Pelton Shepherd Glacier Temp cold chain solutions include cost-effective shipping options that can be tailored to meet the requirements of specific products. Glacier Ice™ gel packs, which have a long record in the pharmaceutical industry, are now supported with designs featuring attributes such as puncture-resistant material and moisture-wicking properties. 

a picture of two ecogel gel packs with a pharmaceuticals delivery box

Trusted When Sustainability Matters

Delivering reliable temperature control solutions, Pelton Shepherd TerraTemp gel packs combine user-friendly design with eco-friendly practices. Terra Ice™ and Vortec Ice™ gel packs offer modern, accurate options for ensuring the cold chain when shipping vaccines. 

Success Stories

Pelton Shepherd Offers Comprehensive Vaccine Shipping Solutions

Pelton Shepherd Industries has been a leader in developing innovative products to maintain the cold chain for over seven decades. Our comprehensive range of gel pack solutions includes cost-effective and sustainable options that prevent temperature fluctuations. They are ideally suited for temperature-sensitive products such as vaccines during last-mile deliveries. 

Maintaining compliance and product efficacy through every phase of the vaccine supply chain requires top-notch packaging. Partner with Pelton Shepherd for tailored vaccine shipping solutions to meet your needs. 

Browse our complete product catalog or request a quote for gel packs and keep all your vaccine shipments at optimal temperatures throughout the cold chain shipping process.

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