How to Ship Chocolate

Shipping Chocolate

Most customers expect their chocolate delivery to arrive in perfect condition, whether they place an order in the middle of summer or the week before Valentine’s Day. Chocolatiers must find the sweet spot to ensure their product doesn’t become too hot or too cold en route.

Although temperature requirements vary depending on the ingredients used, chocolate should generally be kept somewhere between 50 F and 70 F to preserve taste, texture and appearance. It’s also important to protect chocolate from humidity to help prevent sugar bloom — a white film that can form on the surface.

Considerations When Shipping Chocolate

Despite its sensitivity to temperature and moisture, it is possible to ship chocolate at any time of year while preserving its integrity. Consider the following before shipping chocolate:

  • Weather: If you’re shipping chocolate in the winter, you may not need to ship it with gel packs to keep it at room temperature. However, pre-chilling chocolate and packing it with gel packs can keep it in the required temperature range during the summer.
  • Transit duration: It’s best to ship chocolate overnight or within two days during warmer weather to ensure it arrives intact. If you use a carrier, avoid shipping chocolate on weekends or holidays, which can cause delays.
  • Destination: Consider the climate of the product’s destination and whether it calls for gel packs. For example, you may need to pack chocolate with refrigerants if shipping to warm-climate states like Florida.

How to Ship Chocolate Without It Melting

If you need to ship chocolate in the summer heat, follow these tips.

Choose the Right Container

Choose an insulated shipping container that leaves enough room for the product, cushioning and refrigerant. Generally, a box about two to three times the size of the chocolate box should suffice.

Add Gel Packs

If the chocolate may be exposed to temperatures above 70 F during transit, add a gel pack or two to the bottom of the shipping container. In extreme heat, consider adding a gel pack to each side of the container.

Wrap the chocolate box in a watertight bag to protect it from the normal condensation of humidity that can form on gel packs. Consider using sweat-proof gel packs, like Glacier Moisture Guard, to further protect your shipment from moisture.

Include Insulation

Adding insulation, like bubble wrap, will help keep your chocolate at a stable temperature. Insulating solutions also eliminate space and limit movement within the package to prevent product damage.

We Can Help

Determining the right balance between cool and cold when shipping chocolate can be challenging. The cold chain experts at Pelton Shepherd are ready to help. We have over 70 years of experience designing and manufacturing cost-effective, innovative and reliable gel packs for businesses needing to ship temperature-sensitive products. Contact our team today to determine the right refrigerant solution for your chocolate shipments.

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